It's clear that the frigid temperatures of winter are long gone. Now that it is warm(or in our case, unbearably hot already), it's time for those warm weather activities, especially with kids about to get out of school for the summer.
Since a great way to have fun an cool down is to hit the beach or the pool, there is so much focus on having a "beach body". I'll admit, I am totally guilty of desiring that, and working to be fit is very important, but the focus should not be looks, it should be health.
That is especially important as to set a good example for your kids. There is so much pressure on kids to look a certain way and fit society's mold, the last thing the need is too see their parents acting like it's all about getting thin and such.
I want to teach my kids that being active is important to keep them healthy, but I never want them to worry about their weight and feel bad about themselves, especially just because I do it.
I have been trying to find ways to help my children be more active while still having fun. We play a lot and it is wonderful, but it is so much more play than "work" that it is hard to explain to my son how the activity is helping him stay healthy.
So when I discovered that Best Buy had iBitz Activity Monitors and saw that they had versions specifically for kids(as well as adults), I knew that would be perfect. My son is already a huge fan of technology, so having his activity linked to his ipod touch just makes so much sense.
What really makes the iBitz for Kids Wireless Pedometer so special is that it syncs to a rewards platform
app. Parents can set goals and rewards such as play time, screen time,
or an adventure with a parent. Kids are even able to earn coins and
content on Disney's Club Penguin™.
My son cannot get enough of his iBitz for Kids. He loves earning the rewards, but he is also so proud every time he reaches a goal, just knowing that he did it. The positive reinforcement is awesome. I wish I could ear rewards just by being active, although good health is it's own reward.
I do also have an awesome pedometer of my own. The iBitz Unity for adults tracks steps, distance,
weight (added manually), height, overall physical activity, even BMI,
and allows me to incorporate my family and friends if I want.
Both iBitz models store your activity for 30 days. They are water-resistant and have a durable clip that works on the hip or the shoe. They are also really affordable.
Whether you are looking to achieve a "beach body", trying to improve your health or looking for ways to help your child(ren) be more active,an iBits activity monitor from Best buy is the way to go.
*The reviewer has been compensated in the form of a Best Buy
Gift Card and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for
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