Tuesday, March 26, 2019

The Business of Blogging

Since my blog is also my business, I have to treat it like a business. I invest in my blog and build it and grow it the same way I would any other business. Actually, I think I treat it more personally, since it is a reflection of me. It's my brand, my image out in the world. I want it to be everything it can be.

One of the most important tools in blogging is networking. It's a funny thing, because you can't just install a program or have a sale or something. Networking is very much about you. While you can have other employees, and they can help with this, it is about your relationship with clients and potential clients. And it is such a huge factor in the success of your brand. Having a good relationship with a PR can transcend other factors (like UMV and Social Media followers) used to determine your "worthiness" of collaboration.

The numbers are quite important, too, however. Being able to present evidence of your followers, engagement, etc. goes a long way toward forming partnerships. Gartner MDM can help with that. Their unique approach allows you to fast track your data management. Having concrete statistics not only helps you show prospective clients what you can offer, it also helps you see where you might need to improve. Solving problems before they even arise.

You should also invest in other software and devices to help your blog be efficient and professional. For example, a good, fast, laptop with a lot of storage space is a great tool for writing and all the email and social media demands. A great camera is important to capture quality images. You will likely want some sort of photo editing software, to make the photos even more professional. There are so many ways to invest in your blog.

Let your blog invest in you. "You have to spend money to make money" is true, but no one says you can do both at once. While investing in your blog, let your blog work for you. Sidebar ads and SEO marketing are great ways to earn income from your blog on top of any paid work you are doing. I, personally, avoid popup type ads that visitors have to X out of, because they are an annoyance to me as a visitor, so I would not wish that on my readers.

Publicity is important. Like networking, it is important to put yourself out there. The easiest way is via social media. Obviously, you use social media as a tool for blogging, but it is a great way to "meet" people that are truly interested in what you are doing. In addition to promoting your work, it helps to promote yourself. Take all the pictures. At an awesome concert that has nothing to do with your blog? Share it. Post the pictures and the videos and use the hashtags and get people to notice you and feel like they know you. People want to support the people they relate to. Show them why you and your brand are so amazing.

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