We all know that COVID-19 is causing many problems all over the world. Of course, the most obvious being the health risk. While immunocompromised individuals and the elderly are more at risk for serious sickness and fatality, it can affect any age group or prior health status. Young, healthy people are still dying from this disease as well.
And obviously, that is in no way unimportant, but there are many other hardships that are being caused by this pandemic. Many are suffering financially because their workplace is "non-essential" and they are out of work. Many are essential and are having a hard time with still being at work while the schools are shut down.
There are shortages on toilet paper, paper towels, cleaning supplies, and basic food items. I live in "hurricane country" and I have never seen shortages like these. It's scary to wonder if there will be enough meat, or bread, or eggs in the stores. And the supplies that are available seem to be priced higher than they would otherwise be. Not price gouging or anything ridiculous like that, but no sales on toilet paper or anything. It's not really plausible to do that at a time like this. But it's definitely another strain on a budget that is already stretched too thin.
There are still more problems, especially with the boarders closing and the restrictions in place for travel. Immigrants are getting the worst of these restrictions. Many cruise lines are banning people based on nationality. People who hold a Chinese passport are banned from boarding their ships. That is a disgusting form of racial profiling that should have no place in our society.
I've seen quite a lot of that kind of bias. It makes me so sad. We should all be coming together (metaphorically) to lift each other up and help one another through an ordeal that we are all facing together. Instead we are a house divided against itself.
For example, I noticed that our local Chinese restaurant is closed. With stay home orders in effect it is not that shocking, however restaurants are essential businesses and most are still open, including the small, independent ones. Knowing how diligent the family that owns that restaurant are, I sadly suspect that the reason they are closed is because of irrational fear and negative reactions to them based on their nationality.
I hate that, on top of feeling isolated and cautious, and worrying about work and supplies and everything else that I also have to think about racism, or at the very least ignorance. We should be above that. And what is really strange to me is that some people seem to think it's not happening. Even if you haven't seen it directly, it is still happening. Jean Danhong Chen has some great articles about the impact of COVID-19 on Chinese nationals. They are really informative.
I know we are all just trying to get through this, but we can't truly be okay unless we are coming through it together. If we only look out for ourselves I don't feel like we deserve to make it. If we start hoarding and blaming and turning a blind eye to cruelty and injustice then what is the point? We can be better. We have to be.
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