With warm weather in full swing and kids getting out of school for the summer, get-together season is in full swing. Now is the ideal time for hosting parties and spending time with friends.
Since it is also bathing suit season, it raises quite the dilemma. When there is great food and drinks at the party, you want to partake, but don't want to take in ton of unwanted calories. You can either indulge and risk feeling guilty, or you can refrain and feel deprived. It's like a lose lose situation.
While you will not be able to control what people serve at parties you may attend, when you are the hostess, you should try to serve healthier alternatives so you are not tempted. I bet that your guest will be thankful as well, because chances are, they don't want the temptation either.
If you find the right choices, then it won' even seem "healthy" it will just be smart and light. Things like veggies with hummus dip and fresh fruits are fabulous. Turkey and lettuce wraps are both diet friendly, extremely satisfying and "fancy".
Now beverages is where it can become tricky. Sodas are bad, Diet drinks contain harmful artificial sweeteners, alcohol has too much sugar, and even fruit juice has too many calories, so what does that leave? Water? Water is boring right? WRONG!
I recently had the wonderful opportunity to host a Mommy Party with a delicious flavored water beverage thanks to MomSelect. Fruit2O is delicious and contains zero sugar, zero calories, zero carbs and zero artificial flavors.
I received a kit that came with 6 bottles(assorted flavors) of Fruit2O, Super cute plastic cups(that change color when cold) and coupons for free Fruit2O(for each guest), plus recipes for fun, lighter cocktails.
The girls and I had a great time catching up over delicious Fruit2O waters. The watermelon is so delicious. Every flavor is incredible. They taste amazing, so light and refreshing. Way more fun than boring plain water, but they do not taste fake, sugary or overbearing.
These are perfect for me since I really need to drink more water. Drinking water almost seems like a punishment for me, but with Fruit2O, it is like a delicious treat. I am totally hooked. I wish I had tried this sooner.
All the girls loved Fruit2O. It is now the official beverage for all of our get togethers from now on.
If you are planning any summer BBQs or parties, you should definitely offer Fruit2O. I know it will be a huge hit, for those watching calories and also those who are not.
I want to say another thank you to Fruit2O and MomSelect and of course all my fabulous girlfriends for such a fun get together.
*By posting this I received a party kit from Fruit2O and MomSelect, all opinions are 100% my own*
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